Today’s post marks a bit of a change in style. I’ve decided
that I’m only going to write commentary on performances that were particularly
noteworthy. At the end of the post, I’ll provide a list of the other
performances, and I’ll try to find a link to a youtube video, too.
So guess who performs the first ever SYTYCD krump routine?
Travis and his partner Martha. That’s right, Travis is the first person to show America (at least, that portion
of America that watches SYTYCD) krump. The choreographer is, of course, Lil' C, also making his first appearance. And the third first? During the judges’
critique, Travis uses the word ‘buck,” marking the first of many times that
word is uttered on SYTYCD. If I had to guess who first used the word “buck,”
Travis wouldn’t even make the list.
I think it’s quite credible. Travis is no Russell, but he does
insanely well considering he’s an 18 year old white boy trained in contemporary
jazz. He has a tremendous amount of energy, and while his isolations aren’t
great, he is hitting really hard. The costuming also does him two huge favors:
a hat covers his face, and he’s wearing a sweatshirt that’s at least 6 sizes
too big. The fabric ripples with each of his movements, which makes them seem
even bigger than they are. Poor Martha in a crop top doesn’t have that
The best performance of the night, however, is definitely
Benji and Donyelle’s cha cha (choreographer: Mark Weiss). Their chemistry is perfect, and for me they show exactly
why chemistry has nothing to do with sexual orientation (Benji recently came
out as gay). That’s not to say it’s not sexy, because Donyelle is the sassiest
dancer I think the show has ever had. Her personality outshines Benji’s – and
that’s an impressive achievement in its own right.
Jaymz and Jessica – American Foxtrot – Choreographed by Mary Murphy. A mediocre performance with GREAT
choreography. Imagine Dmitry and Chelsea Hightower dancing, and you’ll love it.
Ivan and Allison – Hip Hop – Choreographed by Cicely and
Olisa. Meh.
Dmitry and Joy – Samba – Choreographed by Mark Weiss. Joy is totally unable to even fake the
style; watch only if you want to feel really badly for her and Dmitry.
Heidi and Ryan – Pop – Choreographed by Tovaris Wilson. Very odd, almost spastic performance.
Ashlee and Ben – American Jive – Choreographed by Mary Murphy. A total mess of kicking and
flailing, completely off the rhythm. Mary’s choreography is stellar as usual,
but this is a Hot Tamale Train Wreck (sorry).
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